Alternate Revenue for DRC Cinemas, Mysore

25 March 2021, India – Recently, DRC Cinemas hosted an event providing its space for a TEDxYadavagiriED; a half-day conference hosting a well-curated series of talks for the culturally refined residents of the Heritage City of Mysore. This has served to be a good alternate source of revenue for the cinemas post the pandemic. “We are happy to have hosted TEDxYadavagiriED at DRC Cinemas. It was a great evening where renowned speakers shared their knowledge and insights on the education of the future. It was a different and interesting experience to host an event at our movie auditorium.” Says Vaishali Hanumanth, Managing Partner of DRC Cinemas. This is the first time such an event took place in the region and DRC seems to be positively hopeful about hosting many more such events further.

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